Drug, rape your wife and invite others over.

So it almost seems like as soon as I write something like what I did regarding Zoe Kravitz’s first movie as a writer and director, panning it as unbelievable, real life (or RL as the young say) taps me on the shoulder and says, “Yes, it’s believable.” Everything I didn’t believe in the movie “Blink Twice,” turns out to have been happening to the woman in the above picture, Gisele Picolot. (That spelling may be wrong and there are several accents ague and grave in her name.) FOR OVER TEN YEARS! I don’t know what drug he gave her to make her fall asleep, but he was clearly more interested in watching men rape his wife while she was comatose because he filmed all the encounters.

I’m just baffled, to say the least. I continue to be baffled by people like James Franco, who was giving acting classes to the ladies and had them wear merkins, which are basically thongs decorated with pubic hair so that actors don’t have to actually expose their genitals, and during a “pretend” sex scene would casually move the thong part out of the way so he could get to the actual pussy. Or Trump, to say the least, who still refers to every woman who opposes him as “nasty.” Nasty woman. Nasty woman. It is his favorite insult.

The Taliban, the terrorists with whom Trump made the most disgraceful deal with ever, not even consulting the Afghan government we created and propped up, made it clear from the outset that their gutter religious belief consists of only one thing: a deep and never ending hatred of women. Women there are now nearly non-existent and the gutter dwelling Taliban has now made it a crime for women to even be heard by men who are not their husbands.

Saudi Arabia executes women routinely, for such things as “sorcery” and being raped. Not a country that discriminates too much, they routinely execute men as well — even in a so called holy place like Mecca.

But this Frenchman, who will probably end up in jail for the rest of his life, and who she is divorcing and taking back her maiden name, had so little respect for the woman in his life that he drugged and had her raped to satisfy some bizarre sexual urge which was his and his alone. It wasn’t her desire at all, and as happened in Blink Twice, she started to have strange feelings, memory loss, and gynecological problems.

My sister once said that all men would rape women if there wasn’t a law against it, and I remember being very angry about making such a statement, because I wouldn’t and the reason I wouldn’t is not because I’m gay. I wouldn’t do it because it’s violent, it’s wrong, it’s evil and it’s immoral. And “the law” doesn’t stop the Donald Trumps of the world from committing these heinous acts and then lying about never having met the woman. Hint: When you lie about not having done it, you know that it was wrong.

And now, a note about Judge Judith Scheindlin, who was recently trending on Twitter for having “shut down” Chris Wallace by saying the 34 charges Trump was convicted of was so confusing you had to twist yourself into a pretzel to try to figure out what they were about. Guess what? The jury didn’t have that much trouble, since they were unanimous and even one of them was a Trump supporter who only got her news from TruthSocial. But in this hack reality show judge, who has basically spent her life handling small claims actions like, “I gave him a car and he didn’t pay me for it. Was it a gift?” or, “He took terrible pictures at my wedding and I was devastated.”… In this interview she said, “I own property in Manhattan and I am a taxpayer and blah blah blah…” Basically, the stupidest fall back argument in existence: I am a tax payer. Because the rest of that phrase is, “Therefore, I don’t approve of my money going to some disreputable art,” or “Therefore, I don’t approve of my hard earned dollars paying for Israeli defense,” and the biggest one, that Judith herself has screamed on tv, “Therefore, I don’t approve of you living off of my taxes.” She screams this at people who are on public assistance of some kind, and more recently, people who were basically saved from poverty by the Covid relief funds.

There are an endless number of things you could object to, by screaming, “I pay taxes.” Guess what you idiot judge? EVERYONE pays taxes, period, end of story, nothing more to discuss. Why? Because of sales tax. Even the poorest of our poor have to pay sales tax when they buy something. Mercifully, they are not further taxed through the IRS or through NY State. And someone like me, who also owns property in Manhattan, has to pay just as much as you in taxes. And I WANT the DA to prosecute Trump for what you call this pretzel case. Trump and his people have created a convoluted and almost impenetrable mix of business fronts and artificial loans. Yes. It was election interference. And here’s how that works:

Trump was not president, he was running for president, therefore, there is no immunity that was recently granted by the Supreme Court. (Supreme, what a joke!) He had to pay off a porn actress who he had raped — yes raped — so he had his election committee write a check to Michael Cohen for 3 or 4 times the amount Michael Cohen paid her. They called is “legal services.” The reason they did it was he was so scared that he was going to lose against Hillary Clinton, he couldn’t afford to have the story appear anywhere because, on top of the grab them by the pussy comment he made to Billy Bush, a scandal of that nature: that he raped a porn star while his wife was suckling his 5th child, was too dangerous. That’s election interference for the very fact that he used his election committee to pay for it all.

Nixon did exactly the same thing.

So Judge Judith Manure: go fuck yourself. Vote for Trump and see how far you get you loser.

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