Nosferatu, by way of an old superstition that is frightened of female sexuality.

I don’t feel qualified to review this Robert Eggers movie because unlike the others, I kept falling asleep. I didn’t see anything up until the titles because I was snoring away. Many points of the movie were lost (and not really “lost” exactly, because they weren’t that important).

There are just far too many movie directors and writers that overwrite and overexplain what point they are trying to make.

Basically, this horny young girl awakens the demon Nosferatu because she is so very horny, and during some unnatural dream, which is basically a sex and passion fear dream — she agrees to the demon that she will be his wife.

Cut to, the end, when the city is falling victim to the plague, we’ve already met umpteen characters who are going to be dead, and the sorcerer who knows how to read a book of codexes in a book he magically finds in a nearby closet or floor (I couldn’t tell which because the lighting is so bad), which claims the only way for the plague to end is for the woman to sacrifice herself sexually to Nosferatu (a vampire) who of course, eats her heart and drinks her blood instead of fucking her. But in line with most misogyny down through the ages, as soon as the vampire fucks her, he dies.

The End.

What the fuck was the point? I’d rather see Wicked, and Wicked is an absolute non starter for me.

Next, Nickel Boys, titled, “The Nickel Boys,” in Colson Whiteheads novel.

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